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The Classy Punk
I am a single mother. We craft here. Lots of crafting!
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June 23, 2010

I have a problem!

I am addicted to fabric!

Fabric, sheets, pillowcases, `fabric and fabric and fabric!

I can't stop either.. I just keep buying more and more and more. Here is 1 pic... of just cottons... but I have about double what you see it just didn't fit! This is cotton that is 1 yard or more.

I have other shelves full of fleece, flannel, chenille, satin, fake fur, remnants, a huge box of tulle, and a shelf full of random things like knits, terry cloth.. ext.

I know! I just can't stop! I see it on sale so I buy it... I think it's alright. Fabrics get discontinued all the time so I would rather have it than not have it!

Anyways.. last night I went to cut out this pattern I had drawn up for a dress.. it was going to be the prettiest dress you ever saw! I was tired though... so I totally messed up the cut whoops! I'm gonna turn it into a skirt and it will either be the ugliest or coolest skirt you have ever seen!

Kayden is walking! :) It's so amazing! He's getting way too big! His 1st Bday is in a month.... isn't that crazy?!

Well I am off to the thrift store... have to get something to hid the ugly spot of carpet my cats insist they pee on! :(