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The Classy Punk
I am a single mother. We craft here. Lots of crafting!
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May 17, 2011

Sometimes there is just not enough time

in a day! Or maybe it's energy I need. My poor baby is sick. It breaks my heart! So night time comes form me to get to sewing or designing and I can't! I am just too sleepy! I need something to wake me up!

I have updated my crafting and sewing counters! :) Though I have been lazy I have gotten a few things done! I have been doing lots of embroidery! I sure needed to since I just spent lots of money getting stuff to make my machine work better!

Here are a few pictures!

I also have lots of new earrings, hair bows, and clippies up! I did some resin stuff too but I didn't list them yet! Here is a new ad picture I made! and my counters!!


Unknown said...

LOVE that ribcage patch! It's super cute.